Friday, June 7, 2019

Lab Notes: Persistence and Privilege Elevation using the Powershell Profile


A recent ESET blog post mentions a persistence technique I wasn't previously aware of that is in use by the Turla APT group.  The technique leverages the PowerShell profile to sabotage PowerShell in a way that executes arbitrary code every time Powershell is launched, upon testing I've discovered this technique may also provide a low and slow vector to Domain Admin, and other privileged admin or services accounts by leveraging common flaws admin scripts, asset management systems, and enterprise detection and response tools. This post captures my observations working from Matt Nelson's 2014 blog post (Apologies to the researcher if there is prior art I'm unaware of at the time of this post)

Privilege Elevation - Local Admin to Sloppy Admin

Setup Requirements:

  1. In my testing, you need local admin rights to create the global profile
    1. $profile.AllUsersAllHosts 
    2. AKA C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1
  2. This does not bypass Execution Policy (check with Get-ExecutionPolicy).  
    1. If it's set to AllSigned or Restricted, not only will the code not execute; the end user might notice a suspicious error message reminding them of the execution policy. (By default a Window 10 endpoint is Restricted) 
  3. A privileged user or preferably an automated task that runs PowerShell on the 0wned box with elevated domain privileges is needed.  They also need to forget  to pass –NoProfile flag when launching it (which seems like just about everything and everybody in a large enterprise)  
Now any code you place in this global profile will be run by any user who launches PowerShell. We just decide what kind of PowerShell script we want our sloppy admin to execute, set our trap, and patiently wait. 

As a POC I used 1 line of code: 
Add-Content c:\windows\temp\test1.txt "$(Get-Date) Profile POC Launched by $(whoami)"

Within the hour a friendly enterprise asset management system ran my arbitrary code using SYSTEM, but with a phone call to IT and some trivial social engineering, this could have easily been one of the desktop admins.


  1. Similar to detecting persistence in the startup folder, if you can audit file writes and modifications to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1 you can alert on this in real time.  Most userbases will not be making frequent changes to this file, which should leave you with a low noise high fidelity alert
  2. If you need another reason to preach the gospel of a restrictive PowerShell execution policy this may be it. Unfortunately, if your admins are using it already good luck telling them they can't use PowerShell
  3. You can also audit to ensure any privileged accounts executing PowerShell on remote systems always invokes the –NoProfile command line argument


For persistence, things are much simpler. Aforementioned mitigations 1 and 2 still apply, but the only requirement is the lax execution policy.  Every user should have access to edit their own $profile and any code placed here will be executed anytime PowerShell is launched under that user context.

One Line POC:
Add-Content $profile "Invoke-Item C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe"

For detection, we need to monitor a few additional file locations, but the alert volume should still be manageable:

  • C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\profile.ps1
  • $Home\[My ]Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Profile.ps1
  • $Home\[My ]Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
  • $PsHome\Profile.ps1
  • $PsHome\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1
  • $Home\[My ]Documents\PowerShell\Profile.ps1
  • $Home\[My ]Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1


  1. Microsoft Documentation On Powershell Profiles
  2. Abusing Powershell Profiles
  3. Turla Powershell Usage

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


[The following is an excerpt from The Manufacturer and Builder Volume 0001 Issue 1 (January 1869).  I came across this in my woodworking research, and want to preserve it here because its centrally relevant across all of the domains I'm interested in.]

Once there was a young man whose name was John.  That is to say, not knowing what his name was, and taking all the chances.  I think it was probably John.  For the same reason I take the liberty of presuming that his other name was Smith.  Having previously been a boy, like the generality of young men. John had learned during that period an art which was almost the only thing that distinguished him from other Johns.  He knew how to ask questions; and the object of this brief sketch of his life is to show how he acquired this accomplishment, and what came of it.

He used to say that his father, who was a farmer gave him the first lessons in asking questions; and putting together what his father told him at different times, he compiled a set of rules on the subject which he showed to a Friend the other day, neatly written on the flyleaves of his pocket-diary.  They were headed,

The Art of Asking Questions

  1. Every man knows something that I do not know.
  2. Every thing, living or inanimate, has something to tell me that I do not know.
  3. It is better to ask questions of things than of men; but its better to ask men than not to ask at all.
  4. Lazy questions, impertinent questions, and conceited questions are the greatest of nuisances.  They are like conundrums without any answers - they tend to make men dislike all questions; and when asked of nature, they get no response from her whatever.
  5. Asking questions is of no use, if a man forgets the replies.
  6. People like to be asked, in the proper time and manner, concerning matters which they understand.  When they refuse to satisfy such inquiries, it is generally because the matter is not their business, or they think it is none of mine.
  7. Remembering a thing is not necessarily be living it.  I will remember whatever is told to me by men or by nature ; but I will bear in mind that men may be mistaken, or that I myself may misunderstand both words and facts.
  8. The way to remember the answer to any question is to associate it in the mind with other answers connected with the same subject.  It is well, therefore, to follow one subject, if possible, until sufficient has been learned about it to be easily remembered; for the more one knows the more one can remember, while isolated facts soon get lost.  As my father said, "Wholesale stores are the easiest to keep in order."
  9. Never be ashamed not to know, but be ashamed not to learn.
  10. Never pretend to know ; as for pretending to be ignorant, there is no danger of that, since all men are ignorant.  Even in asking questions concerning the subjects which I have most carefully studied, I may truly say I desire to learn ; for I may have made mistakes or omissions in my study which another might correct.  As my father said, "Judge Pickerell spent forty years in collecting coins, and found at last a coin that was not in his collection in the hands of a beggar, who had that and nothing else."
  11. As my father said, "Every stone is a diamond unless it is not; therefore every stone may be a diamond, until you know it is not ; and in finding out that it is not a diamond, you may discover that it is something more useful."
  12. As my father said, "A man who is forever asking and never answering is like the swamp in our forty-acre lot.  You can't raise crops without rain on one hand and drainage on the other."

From the foregoing it will be seen that the elder Smith was a man of sense. Certainly his neighbors thought the same thing.  Frequently the judge or the parson or the doctor would come riding by his farm, and the plain farmer would leave his plow and sit upon the rail fence, under the shadow of the great elm, whittling a stick, while they talked with him on various matters of politics or social management.  It was noticeable that he seldom asked other people for their opinions, and they soon learned to be a little shy of offering any; for he was sure to reply, "Indeed, what makes you think so?" and that is a troublesome way of putting it. On the other hand, they were always anxious to get his opinions in exchange for their facts.  As the judge remarked, "Farmer Smith's views are his own, and they are worth hearing.  He doesn't think he is obliged to say something on every subject, whether he understands it or not; and when he does speak, he tells what he knows."

He was always particular to give the source of his knowledge.  He would say, "I have observed," or "I have read" or "As far as I can judge, it seems to me," and the like.  And when others contradicted him, he used to say, "I am very glad to hear your experience on that point, because it is different from mine. I will make note of that."  After he died, they found among his papers a good many notes of this kind with the names of those who had given the information, and marked in the margin with different signs, indicated, according to a method of his own, which he never told any body, the degree of reliance which he thought was to be placed in the authors or their communications.

It must not be supposed that he gave his son John the above set of rules all at once, like a catechism.  On the contrary, as I before hinted, he dropped them in the form of remarks, from time to time on appropriate occasions.  On some of these occasions I shall give examples in the next chapter.  It may be thought that I am writing the life of the wrong Smith. In fact the father and not the son would be my hero, but for the fact that John's greater opportunities, and advantages enabled him to make a more brilliant career outwardly; and the full fruit of the old man's system, as well as the reward for his patience and a good sense, was realized in the success of his son.  After all, however, if health and virtue and good nature and a well-trained mind be success, then old Smith achieved it.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Setting Static IP Addresses In VMware Fusion

During malware analysis, I frequently need to flip my analysis VM's between host-only and NAT to alternate between interacting with suspicious websites and man in the middling network traffic with various tools REMnux to simulate command and control traffic without tipping of the malicious operator.

To avoid tinkering with IP settings on my analysis guest machines, I've taken to manually editing the VMware fusion DHCP configurations.  I'm posting this here to help me commit the configuration to long term memory - mainly which files I need to edit - in the hopes that it saves me some googling when updates periodically wipeout this file.  Maybe it will be useful to someone else too.

My configuration (default) for NAT is vmnet 8.
 atom "/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf"

My configuration (default) for host-only is vmnet 1.
atom "/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/vmnet8/dhcpd.conf"

Using the standard dhcpd.conf format, append your static IP assignments to the end of the file.  Static assignments must be outside the DHCP pool declared earlier in the DHCP.conf

####### VMNET DHCP Configuration. End of "DO NOT MODIFY SECTION" #######
host REMnuxVM {
    hardware ethernet 00:0C:DE:AD:B3:EF;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "REMnuxVM";
host AnalysisVM {
    hardware ethernet 00:0C:0B:AD:F0:0D;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name "AnalysisVM";
option routers        ;
    option subnet-mask    ;


Restart VMware fusion, cycle your guest VM adapters and your Analysis VM will automagically be routing its traffic to REMnux for tampering.  Now you flip from NAT mode to host-only mode where can fakedns, inetsim, and accept-all-ips to your heart's content without mucking around with guest network adaptor settings.  Reverting snapshots is now a breeze. 

sudo /Applications/VMware\ -e -w Test.pcap vmnet1
len   84 src 00:0c:29:3d:32:3a dst 00:0c:29:ca:df:05 IP src    dst     UDP src port 64004 dst port 53
len  100 src 00:0c:29:ca:df:05 dst 00:0c:29:3d:32:3a IP src    dst    UDP src port 53 dst port 64004

Another perk is that static IP's greatly simplify your capture filters.
tshark -i vmnet1 -f "host"
Capturing on 'vmnet1'
    1   0.000000 →  DNS 84 Standard query 0x0001 PTR
    2   0.000298 → DNS 100 Standard query response 0x0001 PTR A
    3   0.012761 →  DNS 85 Standard query 0x0002 A
    4   0.012987 → DNS 101 Standard query response 0x0002 A A